My summer uniform again--there really is nothing so perfect as a lightweight dress, shrunken denim jacket, and easy accessories. I bought three new denim jackets this summer (via the web) and returned all of them before narrowing my search down to children's stores. Even the petite section at my favorite shops were selling "oversize fit" denim jackets, which I find quite ludicrous--that is the fit I expect when I buy from the regular section. I wanted something very close to my frame that would hit near my actual waist. So, I finally turned to the children's sections and scoured this lovely piece. The sleeves are short (which I like) and I can still button it up if need be; it's the exact fit I was searching for. Although quite short I wouldn't buy all of my clothes from the children's section since they are cut differently, but the odd sweater or jacket makes a nice addition to my closet.