In our final hours in Venice we experienced some tumultuous weather. Cloudy skies turned the canals from their usual blue-green to a threatening grey. Wind whipped through the streets and sprinkling rain turned into a downpour in seconds. Luckily, we ducked into a little café for some very necessary pizza. By the time we finished the rain had ceased and the slick streets were shining from the sun. It would be fascinating to stay in Venice for a year and watch the city change with the seasons…
Overall, our time in Venice ended too soon for me. It might be a geographically small area, but I still feel there is much left to explore. I also felt more comfortable there than in any other city I visited in Europe on this most recent excursion.

Outfit details:
UO jacket
Triptych dress
H&M flats
Deux Lux purse
Cheap Monday sunglasses